On Blast

(I have no idea why I do this.)

Monday, May 23, 2005

i am so boring.

I work all week. Being the part-time junky that I am, this sucks beyond belief. What in the world will I do with all this slacker time? There is only so much web surfing one can do before blood begins to pour from the eyes. I have shameful women's magazines to thumb through, but I'm not in the mood to see flat tummies today being that mine isn't all that flat these days. I am so bloated. Ugh.

So here I am typing away about absolutely nothing of any importance whatsoever.

Suppose to see Star Wars tonight. Is it bad that I don't wanna? I thought I realllllly wanted to check it out, but I have no desire to sit in a room with strangers. Also, I'll probably have to pee like twenty times during the course of the movie. Not fun.

NOTHING is fun these days. I wish I had a FF button. I'm ready for all the glowing. When does my effing glow start?!?

I heard through the internet grapevine that I've been talked about amongst you people and, supposedly, I am "despised". No biggie, but I must say that I find it laughable that I arouse so much emotion to warrant "despise" status. I don't even know you people! But, hey, thank you for the ego boost. Any time I can get a mention, my heart and big head swell. Lord knows I love a swollen head.

To seal my status as Queen of the Boring, I'll tell you what I ate for lunch: Rigatoni, french bread and a salad. Water on the side. Life is good, people, life is good.

At ease.


At 5:59 PM, Blogger elena said...

aaaah but we knew that, didn't we?


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