How's this for a title?
I fell in love with All the President's Men long ago. I read it, I watched it, I absorbed its mystery like a sponge. I am a sucker for stuff like that. Political intrigue is great material! So Deep Throat has always fascinated my sinister little mind. And I've waited many, many years for the identity of said mystery man. And now that everything is open like a book, I am let down as I always am when a great mystery is solved. Sigh. Endings are so very anticlimactic.
At least Lee Harvey Oswald will never break his silence and tell the world all about how he acted as the Lone Gunman.
Oh my, sweet root beer how I love your frosty goodness. You compliment Taco Bell regular tacos so well. (Speaking of tacos from Taco Bell, would I be crazy if I wanted them without the meat and filled with only cheese and lettuce?)
Pregnancy wreaks havoc on a woman's body. I feel weird all the time. The nausea is easing up but things are still ... off. I'm wrapping up my first trimester. I hear the second trimester is the best part. I'm trying not to be pessimistic. I just feel so weird. The sex is gettin' really good, though. So I got that goin' for me.
I want to end this post with my usual biting sarcasm, but I will resist temptation. Today.
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