Why do you give a shit what I think about what you post on the Internet?
Why does it matter what I say to whomever I say it to?
Are you not free to express your opinion to any individual you choose, in whatever format you choose?
I don't give a shit how evil you are. Really. Do whatever pleases you with whatever you feel the need to dredge up. Take up your own personal time to worry about things that shouldn't even take up space in your little head. Although I am fascinated by the way my opinion directly affects you. Seriously, why should it matter what some "stupid wetback" in Fresno thinks? Or what anyone outside of your personal circle thinks, for that matter.
You know, none of this is real to me. I take everything internet-related with a grain of salt. I take whatever comes with what I spill onto these pages -- good and bad -- because it's part of the package. I subject myself to scrutiny, and just shrug when someone ruffles my little feathers. If someone decides they hate the way I live my life or speak my internet piece, so be it. I am not going to waste my time worrying, hating, or dissecting them, because -- seriously now -- why would I give a shit?
All this hatred would be kind of funny if it wasn't so, um, sad.
So we don't get along. So I read and say stuff. Don't you? So what? Why does what I have to say matter so much? How is your life altered in any way? How am I actually hurting you? I mean, am I seriously hurting you? Is that it? I don't get it.
Fuck it, man. I don't want to get it. I have no interest in playing the vendetta game with you, dude. Have at it ... give it your best shot. Whatever makes you happy ...
*Also, I would bet my whole wad that you will never be able to come up with any sort of e-mails written by me indicating you are "ugly", "mean", or "cruel". I've never said any of those things at any time over the last year. Actually, you really don't come up as a topic in my e-mails but once every full moon. And you know, those definitely wouldn't be the words I'd use at all. And furthermore, I hadn't put that much thought into your character makeup (but I will now just to protect myself from whatever it is that you seem to be threatening me with). Who you are beyond this screen isn't (or should I say wasn't) that important.
But thanks for the warning. I'll stay on my toes and in my best behavior mode now. All opinions will remain inside this genius mind of mine. Do you feel better now?